
**Showcase Page**

Top 10 Web Sites of the Week

Site Name/Link
Some comments about the site
The Dominion
For those obsessed with the extraterrestrial, the Sci-Fi Channel is online and ready… The truth is out there.
RC Systems, Inc.
Cool inline video and 3-D icons.
The Penal Lexicon
Everything you ever wanted to know about prison and the UK judicial system.
Friends Page
Fans of the TV show will enjoy this page and its links; find your favorite "friend."
Houghton-Mifflin Interactive
The creators of "Curious George Comes Home" have also come up with an appealing site.
Virtually Boston
It's as good as going there on vacation, virtually.
Fort Ogden Outpost
Wow, this page incorporates almost EVERY new Internet Explorer feature--and incorporates them well! Also, if you look closely at the "video image capture" window you can see the mysterious lost head of Tom Servo.
Home Page of Daniel Oak
A hodgepodge of MIDI, poetry and interesting links.
Ken's Native Seattle
Where to go and what to do in Seattle. Major bonus points for listing World Pizza as the best pizza in town! Mmmmm, roasted potato and gorgonzola....
The Yucatan Web
Extra points for what sounds like a Speak n' Spell voice in the background.

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